Your Rights

Bill of Rights for Carriers

The Carrier Bill of Rights is the project44 promise to protect carriers’ (defined as data providers) data. This Bill of Rights defines the ways that we will and will not use and share data with third parties, whether they are shippers, 3PLs or even subcontract carriers.

Article 1

The data provider is the sole owner of his/​her telematics/​ELD data concerning loads being shipped by any mode. The data provider retains data sovereignty over his/​her data at all times.

Article 2

Only the data provider has the right to decide whether to share his/​her telematics/​ELD data with a data subscriber.

Article 3

The data provider can withdraw approval to share telematics/​ELD data on a shipment at any time.

Article 4

Data providers have the right to demand that their telematics/​ELD data is distributed to data subscribers via a secure data service.

Article 5

Data providers have the right to demand that only the relevant data related directly to a specific shipment or asset is shared with third parties.

Article 6

Data providers have the right to independent control of the data sharing process and that sharing is shipment specific and strictly related to vehicle, time, and geography.

Article 7

Data providers have the right to demand full control of their entire fleet from an independent telematics/​ELD provider.

Article 8

Data providers have the right to see what telematics/​ELD data they are sharing with whom and when.

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