Transforming Supply Chain: Blue Diamond Growers Partners with SAP, project44, and XpertMinds to Save $1M on Transportation Costs

Founded in 1910, Blue Diamond Growers, the world’s largest almond processing and marketing cooperative, has been synonymous with innovation and efficiency. Representing about 3,000 growers and exporting to over 75 countries, Blue Diamond embarked on a journey to reinvent their supply chain. They not only wanted to develop new products but also needed to operate with utmost efficiency, leading them to a complete transformation of their supply chain from a disjointed manual system to a cutting-edge digital solution powered by SAP, project44, and XpertMinds.

The Challenge

Blue Diamond’s primary objectives were to transition from a fragmented manual planning process to a fully digitized system, capable of increasing efficiency across the entire enterprise. The urgency of this need became apparent as the company managed a $300 million supply chain using error-prone and time-consuming manual processes.

The pandemic spotlighted the chaos, as lead times for securing freight and planning promotions skyrocketed. These issues, compounded by legacy manual processes, severely impacted Blue Diamond’s ability to meet demand consistently and cost-effectively. It was clear that a digital transformation was not only desirable but necessary.

The Solution

In partnership with XpertMinds, the chosen solution was SAP Transportation Management and SAP Business Network for Logistics, augmented by integration with project44. This robust solution aimed to:

  • Provide a single source of truth from end to end in the planning process
  • Enable faster, more dynamic planning while eliminating bottlenecks and shortages
  • Improve response times for better planning agility and customer support functions

Key Objectives Achieved

1. Unified Planning Across Enterprise

By creating a single, dynamic tool for securing freight and a unified plan for demand, supply, manufacturing, and logistics, the solution facilitated faster response to customer inquiries.

2. Flexible and Dynamic Planning Capabilities

Previously, logistics planners were bound to multiple carrier websites, multiple times per day. The new solution consolidated everything into a single source, reducing planning time significantly.

3. Enhanced Supply Chain Visibility

With a consolidated view, Blue Diamond eliminated shortages and improved customer service with timely updates.

4. Increased Efficiency and Resource Optimization

Implementation reduced the number of systems from five to one and liberated employees from tedious Excel tasks, allowing them to focus on higher-level responsibilities.

Want to learn more about Blue Diamond’s success? Download the full case study to see the results of their partnership with project44.

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