Why project44 Obsesses Over Carrier Onboarding

project44 has always believed in the power of building the largest and most advanced global network of capacity providers. We’ve already secured real-time connections to thousands of carriers worldwide, including comprehensive coverage of over 760 ELD and telematics devices. One thing we’ve learned as we continue to scale is that building a global network is complicated. We knew we needed an application to support the rapid growth of our network while ensuring the security and privacy of our data.

With that in mind, we built the Network Management Center™—project44’s fully automated, transparent, and secure carrier onboarding web application that rapidly connects North American and European truckload providers into the Advanced Visibility Platform™, significantly accelerating your time to value. The NMC allows shippers, carriers, and subcontractors to manage their own complex relationships within our network. It facilitates the onboarding process and management of thousands of carriers and their interwoven relationships, all while promoting trust and security between parties.

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The Importance of Trust in a Data-Driven World

Sharing data requires trust. The relationships connected by data exist for a reason—each party is an important component of the supply chain. They rely on each other to be effective. We view these relationships in two categories—the Data Provider: someone who contributes data to the Advanced Visibility Platform, and the Data Subscriber: Someone who accesses and uses data in the Advanced Visibility Platform.

We built our Advanced Visibility Platform around promoting trust between us, Data Providers, and Data Subscribers. If one part doesn’t trust that their data is being handled safely and ethically, that trust erodes and they’re less likely to share it. The NMC looks to maintain that trust with all participants through careful a stewardship of the data. Data security, protections, and privacy are our highest priorities as an organization, and the NMC’s construction and functionality are a direct reflection of those values.

Once a carrier has agreed to the terms and conditions to share their high-fidelity ELD data with project44, they become a Data Provider. If a carrier is delivering shipments for multiple customers, they can manage whether they share data with any or all of them. Customers, who are Data Subscribers, can see who is sharing data at any time and can work with individual carriers to come on board on a case by case basis.

The Benefits to Shippers and Logistics Service Providers

A Fully Automated Carrier Onboarding Processes

We’re obsessed over automating carrier onboarding because it provides faster time to value and higher profit margins overall for our customers. The larger our carrier network grows—and the faster we can add the carriers our customers need to our network—the closer we’re able to get them to 100% visibility. In a recent Forbes article covering the BluJay Solutions Soar conference, analyst Steve Banker discussed the complexity of securing complete visibility coverage.

It’s clear that efficient carrier onboarding is crucial to realizing the ROI of visibility. That’s why we’ve put so much of our resources and effort into automating the process of onboarding carriers to our network, reducing it to just a few short steps.

80% of new carriers connect their telematics device and initiate data sharing in less than ten days of being invited, with a majority signing up within a few hours. Once onboard, the NMC provides Data Subscribers and Providers a transparent and scalable way to efficiently manage all of your data sharing relationships. The remainder have a breadth of resources at their disposal to get on board in a timely fashion. This includes online instructions and FAQs as well as a customer support team to answer more specific problems.

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Security and Compliance with Regulations

project44 is fully committed to protecting the privacy and data of our users. Key data is stored on secure servers for use by the Provider and Subscriber, and we only use your data for approved purposes.

While data privacy regulations vary by region, your supply chain is global. project44 is the only platform with large networks in both North America and Europe that is fully GDPR compliant. If you’re moving freight from one geography to another, you can rest assured that we’re looking out for any legal ramifications as you cross borders.

Accelerate your time to value with the NMC.