project44 is excited to join the International Road Transport Union (IRU) as its newest corporate member. Based in Geneva, the IRU is a global organization representing road transportation, which includes truck, bus, taxi, and coach operations from large fleets to individual operators. The organization represents more than 3.5 million companies operating in more than 100 countries.
Closer Involvement With Carriers on Trucking Issues
By joining the IRU, project44 aims to work more closely with trucking companies and operators on a range of issues affecting the industry such as digitalization, decarbonization, and driver recruitment and retention. “Joining the IRU is an important milestone for project44 to better engage within the road transport sector and beyond, especially as we’re actively expanding into other countries around the world,” said project44 CEO Jett McCandless.
Trucking companies and truckers participating in the project44 platform can provide real-time, in-transit visibility of shipments on the road to their shipper or third-party logistics customers. There’s no charge for motor carriers to participate in project44’s platform, the world’s largest visibility network with more than 140,000 participating carriers across all modes throughout the world.
“Our mission at project44 is to be the connective tissue in the supply chain,” said McCandless. “We provide a network platform that delivers advanced visibility and exception management, enables collaboration between trucking companies and their supply chain partners, and automates processes across transportation and logistics ecosystems.”
project44’s platform enables truckers to provide superior customer service while at the same time improving operational efficiency. The platform eliminates the need for manual communication such as driver check calls and automatically informs shippers and receiving companies of a truck’s progress on its delivery journey.
Support for IRU’s Decarbonization Vision
In joining the IRU, project44 plans to work with the global organization on its vision for decarbonization. project44 is currently developing carbon emissions visibility reports that should give trucking companies the necessary information to reduce their carbon footprints. “We are committed to the IRU and its members to support an intelligent transition into the world of greener, smarter road freight to efficiently connect transportation modes and nodes,” said McCandless. “We believe our participation in IRU should be a win-win for both project44 and the world transport organization in improving both the environment and lives of truck operators.”