MSC Launches Two New Shuttle Services Between South & Central China and Long Beach

With the continued strong Transpacific market demand, MSC has announced two new weekly shuttle services – Puma and Mustang, connecting south and central China with Long Beach. With this, they also aim to support the challenging service schedules for North America West Coast.

The rotation of MSC’s new Puma service will be as follows, with the first sailing by MSC Bhavya, ETD DaChan Bay on 3 October: DaChan Bay – Shekou – Long Beach – DaChan Bay

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The rotation of MSC’s new Mustang service will be as follows, with the first sailing of MSC Anya, ETD Shanghai on 16th October: Shanghai – Long Beach – Shanghai

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The Puma and Mustang services will continue operating until further notice.

For any queries, please contact your local MSC representatives.