With more than four million truckers moving one trillion dollars of goods every year in the US alone, truck drivers are the unsung heroes of modern supply chains. They work long hours and spend time away from family and loved ones to keep factories running and fulfillment centers and store shelves stocked with the items we often take for granted. So even the little things can make a big difference for a long, and sometimes lonely, day or night on the road.
To help, we’ve launched a brand-new version of our free DriveView app featuring valuable facility information to help drivers make more informed decisions, reduce dwell time, and minimize surprises on the road.
Meet an All-new DriveView Experience
Drivers often lack key information on facilities and pull into a pick-up or drop-off locations ‘blind’, not knowing where to go, which building to look for, where to park, how long they’ll be waiting – or even whether restrooms are available. This lack of information can lead to confusion and costly wait times. Not to mention, a poor experience for drivers.
With DriveView, truckers can see hours of operation, loading times, yard hazards, parking situations, pallet restrictions and even preview images of docks before arriving. The list goes on and continues to grow – with over 70 attributes at more than 200,000 facilities. Knowing what to expect ahead of time can help drivers get in and out of their stop as quickly and efficiently as possible – saving time, money and frustration.
An Intuitive Way to Stay Up-to-date on the Road
As more and more shippers, brokers and LSPs demand real-time visibility of their shipments, DriveView is an intuitive and free mobile application designed to provide real-time location visibility for active truckload shipments. Easy to install and effortless to use, DriveView communicates location and ETA information to carriers, brokers, shippers, and other business partners while drivers are on the road. Designed to track the load and stay out of the way, the app checks in with drivers as they start a trip and automatically shuts off when shipments are delivered.
If you’re wearing it, cleaning with it, eating it, drinking it, driving it or sleeping on it, you can thank a trucker for bringing it!
And, thanks to project44’s new DriveView app, life on the road just got a little easier.