How Electrolux Is Optimizing Operations with Real-Time Transportation Visibility

Supply chains are looking for predictive and actionable insight into transportation activities to manage today’s challenges, yet it can be overwhelming to know where to start. Innovative companies like the global home appliance manufacturer Electrolux are optimizing their supply chain by using real-time transportation visibility.

By partnering with Flo Group, leading supply chain optimization consultant, and project44, global leader in supply chain visibility, Electrolux has implemented real-time visibility to gain predictive insights across transportation activities. In this webinar recording, Electrolux, Flo Group, and project44 share advice for results-driven visibility.

Join the webinar to hear:

  • What real-time visibility is and why it has become critical for supply chains
  • How visibility solutions are deployed and what you should consider before implementation
  • How Electrolux got started with visibility, what challenges they encountered along the way, and tips they have for other supply chains
  • What results Electrolux has seen so far
  • How visibility is continuing to evolve for future supply chain challenges